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Finding the truth about an ancient murder mystery — Finnish story of Lalli comes to life
The title RE, being the second note of the musical scale (Gamut), also refers to remaking, rearranging, reposting, recreating, renewing, re-entering, returning and retuning ourselves to the past and the future, ever so present in every moment. History repeats itself in all sorts of ways, and the topical themes addressed on RE include colonisation, the conquest of new territories by a superpower, Finland’s geopolitical position between East and West, and wars between religions.
Release date: 02/12/2022
Recorded by Jyri Sariola at Mimix Studios, Espoo, Finland,
March 2022
Mixed and mastered by Jyri Sariola Mimix Studios,
August 2022
Produced by Aino Peltomaa
Co-produced by Ilkka Heinonen & Juho Myllylä
Visual art Sampsa Pirtola
Graphic design Aarni Ylinen
Ensemble Gamut!
Aino Peltomaa | Voice, harp, percussion, soittu (Finnish shepherd flute)
Ilkka Heinonen | Jouhikkos (Finnish/Karelian/Estonian bowed lyres), electronics, voice, percussion
Juho Myllylä | Blockflutes, electronics, voice
feat. Paleface | spoken word (2)
1. Sanctus Ericus / Sanctum Ericum
2. Veri feat. Paleface
3. Gaude, cetus fidelium / In vernali tempore / Gaude, cetus fidelium / Runosävelmä Suistamosta
4. Paimenen säveliä: Suru
5. Psallat scholarum concio / Neity Maria Emonen – Mariatar / Beatus vir
6. Luojan virsi
7. Trina caeli hierarchia
8. Impenitens malicie
9. Piispa Henrikin surmavirsi
10. Birretum patris
11. O scholares voce pares
12. Puu
13. Cum lucri magnitudine / Perfecte desiderium sui / Pre clari patris sanctitas doctrinam
14. Lapsed caicki laolacatt (Personent Hodie)
The album RE engages the listener in a fantastic musical and textual journey.
– Tom Bickley / American Recorder Magazine (Summer 2024)
RE is a glimpse into a long-gone time presented sensitively and creatively, blending the medieval and the modern in a way no other group has done.
– Jon Davis / Exposé Online (20.10.2023)
RE is een intrigerend album dat de grenzen van de traditionele muziek opzoekt. Het is een unieke combinatie van oude en nieuwe elementen, die je in het juiste moment kan meeslepen.
RE is an intriguing album that pushes the boundaries of traditional music. It is a unique combination of old and new elements, which can get you carried away in the right moment.
– Lieve de Sadeleer / Blokfluitist (May 2023)
Desde os Hedningarna e Värttinä que as luzes do Norte não brilhavam tão intensas.
– João Lisboa / Expresso (24.03.2023)
Not since Hedningarna and Värttinä have the Northern Lights shone so brightly.
Olen lumoutunut. Miten luontevasti Ensemble Gamut! yhdistää keskiaikaista ja kansanmusiikkia, improvisaatiota, kerrontaa, kuisketta, luonnonääniä ja elektronisia äänimaisemia.
– Arja Kangasniemi / Kansanmusiikki (01/2023)
I’m enchanted. How naturally Ensemble Gamut! combines medieval and folk music, improvisation, speech, whispers, nature sounds and electronic soundscapes.
From rough-spun elemental numbers to exquisitely beautiful voice-and-harp, the range and depth here is compelling. The early literary sources that hark back to an ancient time may be obscure, yet the sense of enduring human truths and emotions is clear. RE refers to a note of the medieval music scale, but in this talented trio’s hands, it also stands for renewing and returning – two things that Ensemble Gamut! do exceedingly well. This is an assured sophomore album from a talented trio.
– Chris Wheatley / Songlines (01.03.2023)
This is very definitely a labor of love, and the pieces and context are superbly researched. — …for open ears and minds, there’s an entire world of joy to discover on RE.
– Chris Nickson / RootsWorld (13.02.2023)
Näillä eväillä yhtye taikoo arkaaisen ja levollisen sointimaailman.
– Risto Nordell / Suomen Kuvalehti (19.01.2023)
With these ingredients the ensemble conjures an archaic and peaceful sound world.
RE-albumi taipuu nautittavaksi monin eri tulokulmin. Esittelylehtisen erinomaiset taustoitustekstit tarjoavat sillan meidän aikamme polttaviin aiheisiin kuten suurvallan tunkeutuminen uusille alueille tai Suomen geopoliittinen asemaa idän ja lännen risteyksessä. Yhtä lailla antoisaa on laitaa esittelylehtinen syrjään ja suostua musiikin kuljetettavaksi muusikoiden inspiraation, improvisaation ja innovaation suvereenia liittoa ihastellen. RE-albumi nostaa uljaasti liehuvan uuden lipun kansanmusiikkia ja vanhaa musiikkia kekseliäästi yhdistelevän kamuklassisen genren salkoon.
– Pia Antikainen / Yle Klassinen (16.01.2023)
RE can be enjoyed with many different perspectives. The excellent booklet text offers a bridge to the relevant themes of today; the conquest of new territories by a superpower, Finland’s geopolitical position between East and West, and wars between religions. But it is just as rewarding to put the booklet aside and allow the music transport you, admiring the unlimited coalition of the inspiration, improvisation and innovation of the musicians.
The setting here is a calming soundscape with so much space. The instruments come together and then fall away, Aino’s beguiling voice the siren song touchstone that seals the deal. Refreshing, fulfilling and cleansing, it’s a fantastic listen that draws you into another world, an older and harder world but one filled with a purity of spirit that now feels lost.
– Jez Rowden / The Progressive Aspect (04.01.2023)
Iedereen die van middeleeuwse muziek in een modern jasje houdt, van volksmuziek of folk, van kerkmuziek of minimal music, van instrumentale muziek en zang zal veel plezier aan dit tweede album beleven!
– Els van Swol / 8weekly (18.12.2022)
Everyone who likes medieval music with a modern twist, folk music, church music or minimal music, instrumental and vocal music will have a lot of fun with this second album!
Vuoden Etno (“Ethno of the Year”)
Emma Gaala 2024
RE oli ehdolla Emma Gaalassa 2024 Vuoden Etno -kategoriassa. Emma-palkinnon sai Vilma Jää: Kosto.
RE was nominated in the “Ethno of the Year” category at Emma Gaala 2024. The prize was awarded to Vilma Jää: Kosto.